Gilmore Creek Playwriting Competition
"Olson has actually come up with a two act
pilot for a TV series. In high conseptese, it’s
Cheers, meets WKRP in Cincinnati, meets
Newhart…and throw in Fargo, too!"
- Los Angeles Times
"Combine superb comic writing with solid direction
and a smart cast with great timing, and you’re headed
for a comedy hit!" - LA WEEKLY Pick of the Week
"Hilarious!…Side-splitting pace!…A real audience
pleaser! This comedy is totally silly, entertaining and
refreshingly unique!" - The Tolucan Times
"A heart-warming tale in cold Minnesota where you’ll find love, laughter and a wonderful time!" - Irish News
"Set in the American Heartland of Whitefish Bay, it is the plain spoken Minnesotan story of Lars Knudsen’s need to find love!" - American Eagle News
"This one really reels in the laughs!"
- Arthur Cantor - Tony Award Winning Producer
KOLD Radio, Whitefish Bay |